Constipation is something that most of the population will experience at one point or another. It’s estimated that around 1 in every 7 adults in the UK has constipation at any one time. It is a very common condition- the latest Wild Dose research into 450 adults showed 78% of customers have been experiencing constipation for over a year.
A person is widely considered to be constipated if they do not pass stool at least 3 times during a one week period. Other symptoms include, straining when going to the toilet, bloating or feeling like you haven't fully emptied your bowels.
Many people reach for laxatives to relieve constipation- 79% of customers surveyed have tried products to relieve the symptoms of constipation. There are four main types of laxatives:
Bulk-forming laxatives
Osmotic laxatives
Stimulant laxatives
Poo-softener laxatives
Although laxatives are largely effective, the side effects of both short term and long term use can be concerning. Short term effects include dehydration, bloating and tummy cramps. Long term effects (laxative use spanning over a week) can cause diarrhoea, unbalanced salts and minerals in your body and, in severe cases, can create a laxative dependency.
We conducted further research uncovering some of the prominent effects of constipation on people's lives, and understanding the effectiveness of natural, non-habit forming products such as A Dose for Blocked Bellies.
Effects of Constipation
Our Constipation research into 450 adults showed that 98% of people experienced bloating as a result of constipation. This leads to further physical discomfort in the gut which is shown by the second most common impact of constipation- tummy pains.
Impacts of constipation felt by adults in study (%)
Constipation also has non-physical negative impacts shown above such as Lack of energy, Low Mood, and Stress & Anxiety, which were also very common symptoms. Further showing this, an overwhelming 98.7% stated that constipation affects their happiness and wellbeing.
98.7% of adults in study felt constipation affects their happiness and wellbeing
Our recent study found that constipation commonly is worst when people are on holiday. Holiday constipation is extremely common due to changes in diet, movement, hydration and alcohol consumption. This can affect people who normally don't suffer with regularity and can worsen constipation for those who do. Eating out is also a reason that constipation can worsen. A lot of restaurant meals are lower in fibre and come in large portion sizes which can slow digestion. Being at work is the 3rd worst trigger for people’s constipation- this could be due to being sedentary which can negatively impact regularity. Finally, alcohol was found as a trigger which would be linked to dehydration, which can slow down bowel movements.
Top 4 triggers for constipation in the survey
A Dose for Blocked Bellies
Wild dose has carefully formulated ‘A Dose for Blocked Bellies’- a natural, gentle and non-habit forming relief from constipation. 163 adults tested the product over two weeks and gave their feedback on the product. The results of this study will be presented in the following section.
Participants of the study were advised to take 1-2 tablets before bed. 40% of people had gentle relief within 2-3 days of starting A dose for Blocked Bellies and within 1 week, 87.3% of people felt relief of constipation. After taking the product daily for two weeks 86% of customers reported that they were no longer constipated.
86% of adults in study were no longer constipated after taking A Dose for Blocked Bellies
The top symptoms of constipation that A Dose for Blocked Bellies provided relief from were Bloating and Tummy Pain- these two symptoms were previously listed as the two worst symptoms of constipation by participants. A Dose for Blocked Bellies also improved mental symptoms such as Mood, Energy, and Stress & Anxiety.
Symptoms people felt relief from after taking A Dose for Blocked Bellies (%)
89% of people who took A Dose for Blocked Bellies found it to be as effective or more effective than other products on the market. It is important to note that the product maintains its effectiveness while being a natural formulation without any of the negative symptoms of other medical laxatives.
89% of users stated that they found A Dose for Blocked Bellies to be effective.
After testing the product for two weeks, 87% of respondents stated that they would purchase A Dose for Blocked Bellies, and 91% were likely to recommend the product.

91% of respondents stated that they were likely to recommend A Dose for Blocked Bellies.
Key Ingredients
A Dose for Blocked Bellies is formulated with a gentle blend of magnesium and herbs to promote regularity without harsh laxatives or artificial ingredients. While all of our ingredients are shown to improve regularity and provide gentle relief, our most well researched ingredients for constipation include;
- Magnesium citrate: Magnesium citrate is a widely researched osmotic laxative which is used to treat constipation- It is safe for people to use in appropriate doses. While the majority of studies have been conducted on magnesium oxide, there have been studies showing that magnesium citrate is used in superior formulations as its absorption is far higher.
- Prune: Prunes are often used as a household remedy for constipation, and for good reason. They have been proven by studies to help with symptoms of constipation, and a 2018 study also found that “prunes significantly increased stool weight and frequency” and were “well tolerated by participants.”
- Fennel: Fennel seed is widely used in the treatment of many gastrointestinal issues. Fennel seeds contain anethole, fenchone and estragole that are antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory for the gut. Because of this, they help significantly with constipation, indigestion and bloating.
- Rhubarb: Rhubarb is a fibre rich plant which helps keep the digestive system moving- known to help prevent constipation. Rhubarb contains a compound called sennosides, which acts as a natural laxative.