'A Dose for PMS+' Study

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Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) is a common experience, affecting up to 90% of women. Symptoms can range from mild discomfort to severe disruptions in daily life. Recent research from Wild Dose, involving 150 individuals, revealed that 71.4% of customers reported PMS symptoms affecting their productivity, while 70% stated it negatively impacted their mental health.

PMS is widely recognised as a condition characterised by a variety of symptoms occurring during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle. Many individuals seek relief from these symptoms through various methods, with painkillers being a common choice.

A significant 75.9% of surveyed customers reported taking painkillers every month to manage PMS symptoms, often expressing concerns about their long-term effects. The most commonly used pain relief methods include:

  • Paracetamol

  • Ibuprofen

  • Naproxen

  • Hormonal contraception, such as the pill

While these methods can be effective, they may also lead to side effects such as bloating, nausea, and headaches. Long-term reliance on painkillers or hormonal treatments may contribute to hormonal imbalances, liver and kidney damage, and, in some cases, fertility concerns. Given these potential risks, many individuals are seeking natural, non-habit-forming alternatives.

Effects of PMS 

Our research into PMS and its effects on daily life uncovered that 97.3% of participants experienced bloating as a result of PMS, with cramps being the second most commonly reported symptom. 

Impacts of PMS felt by adults in study (%)

However, PMS affects more than just physical well-being- low energy. Mood swings, and increased stress and anxiety were among the most frequently mentioned emotional symptoms. Dealing with these symptoms was reported to impact parts of their lifestyle such as their ability to exercise, sex drive, social life and work performance.

Impacts of PMS on lifestyle in adults (%)

In addition to this, recent studies conclude that PMS symptoms commonly worsen under certain conditions. Stress, poor diet, lack of sleep, and dehydration were identified as major triggers that aggravated PMS symptoms. These factors can make PMS symptoms more intense for those who experience them regularly.

A Dose for PMS+

Wild Dose has carefully formulated ‘A Dose for PMS+’-a natural, gentle, and effective supplement designed to support individuals through their cycle. 150 individuals tested the product for two menstrual cycles and provided feedback The results of this study will be presented in the following section.

Participants in the study were advised to take 2 tablets daily. After the first two cycles, 84% of customers stated that it made their period more comfortable. 

People in the the study (%) who has a more comfortable period after taking “A Dose for PMS+”

Individuals reported their cramps and mood swings to be reduced by 60%, and discomfort levels were reduced by half (50%). In total, 86% of people found “A Dose for PMS+” to be effective.

86% of adults in study reported A Dose for PMS to be effective in helping their PMS symptoms

The top symptoms that A Dose for PMS+ helped relieve were bloating and cramps—two of the most frequently reported issues. Additionally, users reported improvements in mood, energy levels and breast tenderness.

Symptoms people felt relief from after taking A Dose for PMS + over pain killers

Importantly, this product provides relief while maintaining a natural, additive-free formulation. After testing the product for two cycles, 82% of respondents stated that they were likely to recommend A Dose for PMS+.

82% of respondents stated that they are likely to recommend A Dose for PMS+ 

Key Ingredients 

A Dose for PMS+ is formulated with a research-backed blend of triple strength magnesium, herbal extracts, and essential vitamins and minerals to support relief from PMS symptoms. Our most well-researched ingredients for PMS relief include:

  • Magnesium (Citrate, Glycinate, Carbonate): Magnesium is widely known for its ability to reduce muscle tension, alleviate cramps, and ease mood swings. It works by calming the nervous system and regulating neurotransmitters, ensuring gentle and effective support.

  • Dong Quai: Often referred to as "female ginseng," Dong Quai has been used in traditional medicine for centuries to support hormonal balance and improve circulation. It may help relieve cramps, reduce bloating, and promote overall menstrual health.

  • Pine Bark: A powerful antioxidant, Pine Bark extract is rich in flavonoids that support healthy blood flow and reduce inflammation. Studies suggest it may help alleviate PMS symptoms like breast tenderness, mood swings, and water retention by promoting better circulation and reducing oxidative stress.

  • Vitamin B6: Vitamin B6 is essential for mood regulation during PMS, as it supports serotonin production. Research highlights its ability to reduce emotional symptoms such as anxiety, depression, and irritability.